From a state of ill-health, fatigue, and grappling with weight issues - plagued by preoccupation with dietary restrictions and body imageto one of wellness, vitality, a lean physique, brimming with energy and a newfound appreciation for the Self, nourishment and the physical form.

At 12 years old, I was struggling with depression. I went from being a petite, happy ray of sunshine, to a raging and emotional, bloated pre-teen with cystic acne. Puberty seemed to have affected me differently than my friends. I felt so uncomfortable in my own body, I didn't recognize myself and fell into a deep depression. As a result, I was sent to see a psychiatrist and prescribed anti-depressants.

I battled with bulimia, desperately struggling to keep the weight off, but no one offered to guide me in understanding and healing my body. The indifference and neglect from healthcare professionals fueled a burning determination within me that lasted for over two decades.

 School Life 

My darkest days left me feeling hopeless and contemplating suicide. The way doctors treated me, a young girl desperate for just a sense of normalcy, left me with little faith in my future. I thought that's who you went to when your body wasn't functioning properly.

I understand that this may sound extreme - that I was suicidal because puberty was difficult for me - but it was so much more than that.

When your body is out of balance, it can feel like you're trapped in your own skin. You see everyone else going about their lives while you're consumed with thoughts of what to eat, how to burn off calories, and how to hide your appearance.

I even went to the gym (with my mother's supervision) in an attempt to control my weight. None of my friends were doing this at that age. I ate salads while they ate junk food, but nothing changed.

I took many "sick days" off school to avoid being seen. I studied hard at home because I didn't want to fail at life too. I kept telling myself, "you deserve to feel normal in your body, this will pass," but I had no idea that it would last for almost 20 years.


Changing My Career to Focus on My Health

I struggled with my health and weight relentlessly throughout my school years, college, and even during my Bachelor's Degree in Fashion. My ultimate goal was to become a designer and empower women through the clothes they wore. However, after a few years working in the fashion industry in London, I came to realize that no amount of clothing could make a person truly feel good if they didn't feel good about themselves from the inside. With this newfound realization, I made the bold decision to quit my job and embark on a personal training course to begin my new journey in the wellness industry.

Of Course that was just the start… 

At 24 years old, I had been suffering for over a decade. Desperate for answers, I finally sought out an endocrinologist in Harley Street London. In just 10 minutes of being in his office, he declared, "You have full-blown polycystic ovarian syndrome, why has no-one ever spotted this before?!" My heart sank as I saw the cysts covering my ovaries on the scan, and the blood test confirmed the diagnosis.

Tears streaming down my face, I couldn't believe that after all these years of feeling dismissed and doubted, someone had finally given me an answer. But my relief was short-lived as the endocrinologist prescribed synthetic hormones to try to balance me out. I couldn't help but feel that there had to be another way.

Three months later, I returned to his office feeling worse than ever before. My moods had worsened, and I had gained weight. I knew that this was not the solution for me. I stopped the medication and decided to take control of my own health.

I dedicated every spare moment to researching PCOS. I delved deeper and deeper, creating my own diet, training, and lifestyle plan. Over the next year, I noticed a significant improvement in my mood, weight, and overall well-being.

A year later, at a routine pelvic scan, the nurse mentioned that my ovaries looked normal. My blood tests also came back as normal, and I realized that I had reversed my condition without medication.

Overcome with excitement, I decided to study to become a health coach to further my knowledge and help others. I knew I couldn't return to the fashion world when I could make a real difference in people's lives.

Over the next five years, I immersed myself in the study and understanding of the human body, all while passionately working with clients to improve their physical and emotional well-being. Despite my ongoing struggles with VIN III, food sensitivities, parasites, candida, acne, and adrenal fatigue, I was determined to use my own experiences to empathize and support others on their own healing journeys

In pursuit of a deeper understanding and a fresh perspective on life, I embarked on a solo journey through Asia for three months. After completing a transformative 10-day fast on the idyllic island of Koh Samui, I returned to London brimming with inspiration and founded 'BODY INC' - a holistic approach to treating the whole person and addressing root causes to support clients in the most effective way possible. Established in 2012, this is my passion and my way of life.

But that wasn't the end...

In 2014, after obtaining a body composition certification, I made the bold decision to move to Dubai, full of ambition and hope. However, as I stood at the top of this page, captured in a photo at a 'women in business brunch,' I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of embarrassment and shame. Despite my weight being at its heaviest, I had moved to Dubai to become a transformation coach - the ultimate irony. Despite my clients achieving great results, my own body remained a mystery to me.

One day, as I walked through the bustling Dubai mall, I collapsed on the floor. My thyroid had "stopped" working, and I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Can you imagine the crushing feeling of failure that consumed me? Everything I knew and had managed to help others with, and yet my own body had betrayed me. I was devastated and ashamed.

But I refused to let this setback defeat me. I wiped away my tears of frustration and decided to do what I do best - become a Body Detective. I treated myself as I would my clients, and listened to my body. I was determined to beat this, to get off thyroid medication and find harmony within my body once and for all.

Years have passed, and today I am proud to say that I have been off thyroid meds for 4 years, with normal thyroid levels. My weight is stable, and I have a newfound energy that I never thought possible. My body is now completely different from the one I spent over 20 years battling, and it is a feeling that I cannot put into words. I completed my Functional Nutrition Certification in 2020 to complete my fully holistic approach to helping others understand their bodies fully and gain control, so they too can enjoy life to the fullest!

It's been a longer journey than it needed to be (23 years of suffering), but I am happy I never gave up. Because now, I get to feel what life is like in this BODY, and I get to help others feel the same. And it is priceless!