Every clients Journey is UNIQUE. Results rely on your commitment to yourself and working with me as a team to be body detectives and problem solvers. I bring the knowledge and experience, you bring the openness to learn and commitment to do the work and together the magic can happen....

I work with clients to get them in their best physical shape, by healing their dysfunctions and reframing their mindset. Health dysfunctions expressed by clients below; bloating, fatigue, stubborn fat loss, PCOS, hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, psoriasis, eczema, endometriosis, migraines, headaches, asthma, allergies, stomach ulcers, indigestion, ,malabsorption, dizziness, constipation, candida, structural issues, anorexia, bulimia, gallbladder removal, infertility, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, toxicity and recomposition 

56 Years Old

High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Weight Gain, Bloating and Fatigue

Lost 20.6lbs

26 Years Old

Tired, Not happy with Physical Body

-10-12% Body Fat

32 Years Old

Digestive Issues, Migraines, Achy Joints and Fatigue

Lost 20.4 lbs

21 Years Old

Bloating, Stubborn Fat, Digestive Issues, Headaches and Fatigue

Lost 19.8lbs


Tess, 56

'In 3 months my headaches were gone, my weight was down (18.6lbs), my blood pressure and cholesterol were now normal, no more bloating and my energy was up'

' I am so happy I invested my time and money into Jenna's program'

'I feel amazing, I look good in my clothes'

'Makes for a better quality of life, what else can you ask for?'

Ready to Master your Body?

32 Years Old

Auto-immune Disease Running her life, Stubborn Fat 

Lost 20 lbs

32 Years Old

Hypothyroidism, PCOS, stubborn fat loss, adrenal fatigue

Lost 17.6lbs

46 Years Old

SAD, bad habits, not prioritising health

-25% Body Fat

33 Years Old

Anxiety, Extreme Fatigue, Bloating, Asthma, Gas

8 lbs (8 weeks)

Chido, 37

'I've been suffering with PCOS and all the many symptoms that come with it'

'I was so uncomfortable in my body and my confidence was down''

'I cannot even put into words the changes this program has made for me''

'Jenna gave me some tough love that I really needed'

'It has affected the way my body looks, the way I look at my body, it's unbelievable that three months has changed my whole life''



34 Years Old

Bloating, Poor Metabolism, Acne, Extreme Fatigue

Lost 8.8lbs (8 weeks)

37 Years Old

 Bloating, Digestion Issues, Skin Complaints

Lost 15.4 lbs

37 Years Old

PCOS, Hypothyroidism, Bloating, Digestive Issues, Extreme Fatigue

Lost 24.6 lbs (16 weeks)

34 Years Old

Endometriosis, Psoriasis, Eczema, Stubborn Fat Loss

Lost 21.4 lbs


Fidan, 28

''Jenna taught me from scratch how to take care of my health in a holistic way'

' I am so grateful it it's been a complete life changing experience''

'Jenna really educates you along the way''

'Jenna really cares, she is completely devoted to get you to be the best version of yourself for you"

Ready to Master your Body?

64 Years Old

Digestion Issues, Gallbladder removal, Gut Health, Stubborn Fat

Lost 10.2 lbs

33 Years Old

 Weight Fluctuations, Food Maintenance, Lethargy, Atopic Dermatitis, Allergies to Metals

Lost 39.7 lbs

35 Years Old

Weight for most of life, Headaches, Extreme Fatigue, Digestion

Lost 22.3 lbs

31 Years Old

Hormone Imbalances, Allergies, Needing Accountability

Lost 22 lbs

Chantal, 37

'I am so incredibly thankful to Jenna'

'I came to Jenna with several autoimmune conditions, sciatica, and pre-cancerous cells'

'I had no doubt in my mind I wanted to work with Jenna'

'The food has become second nature, my clothes are fitting better, my symptoms have disappeared'

'Results have come back all clear'

'I no longer need to have surgery'

  'I know she genuinely truly care about everyone she works with, I cannot recommend her enough'


18 Years Old

PCOS, Insulin Resistance, Stubborn Fat, Irregular Cycles 

Lost 8.8 lbs

34 Years Old

Stubborn Fat Loss, Bad Back, Cravings

Lost 26.4 lbs

19 Years Old

PMS, Bloating, Injured Knee, Itchy Skin, Body composition focus

Lost 6 lbs

36 Years Old

 Weight Fluctuations, Bloating, Lethargy, 

Lost 12.3 lbs


Michelle, 41

'I came to Jenna initially to lose weight, but I gained so much more'

'Ive been a war with my body since I was 15-16 years old'

'Jenna really made me dig deep and revert my negative thinking towards myself and my eating habits'

'Jenna made me  see why I was treating myself that way (in the past)

'Jenna gave me the tools to maintain my great results and healthier eating habits"

"thanks to Jenna, I see myself in a much kinder light'


Ready to Master your Body?